Meet Molly
Molly Douglas is a teacher of the Creative Intuitive Arts, a mentor and guide of the Heart Centered Way of being, a Sacred Feminine Arts Embodiment Leader, and an activist for the healing and evolution of the planet. Working in the field of trauma for the past 12 years has created a foundation for her expanded knowledge and deepened her spiritual growth as a master of psycho-spiritual transformation. Molly blends her teaching and leadership as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, a Board-Certified Art Therapist, a trained Trauma Sensitive Yoga Instructor, a Level I & II Reiki Practitioner, and a channel for the divine light. Molly is the founder and creatrix of Healing Arts, PLLC, A Body, Mind, Spirit Wellness Center and Lit From Within™ Living Aware, Awake, and Aligned.
Molly offers programs that support sacred embodiment, self-expression, inner spiritual authority, and soul leadership through an online classroom and community and global mentorship called Soulwork Signature™. Through the development of A Healing Arts Method™ or (A-HA Method), Molly has supported hundreds of clients to become the BRIGHTEST, and BOLDEST versions of themselves and sacred transformation to take place. Molly stands for the activation and embodiment of bringing sacred back to self, others, and the planet through the Art of the Sacred Feminine to help birth a new way of being for all.
I'm so excited to get to share what I know to be true with you. When I am able to share the magic of LIVING AWARE, AWAKE, and ALIGNED with the DIVINE FEMININE, it truly create the RIPPLE to light up this world. When we can know who we are at our core self and live in our WHOLENESS, we help humanity and this planet evolve.
With Love and Evolution,
Side effects of working with me could include but are not limited to:
personal self growth, empowered self, access to healing, heightened creative energy, expanded consciousness, vision of a higher self, inner connection, awareness of deeper desires, invitation to living an intentional life, discovered authenticity, joy, creative expression, intuitive guidance, soul nourishment, self care, growth in self worth, letting go of old patterns of beliefs, cleared out “art scars”, diminished feelings of lost, flailing, or stuck, awakened soul, raised cosmic consciousness, becoming a channeler of divine creative work, and manifesting a fully present and highly functioning life.

Have questions? Want to learn more?
Connect with me to get a complementary
20 min intutive consultation!